2011 MPFL Championship Game
The San Antonio Roses boarded a bus as the Warriors Cheerleaders and rode with the San Antonio Warriors Minor Professional Football Team to face the West Texas Drillers during the 2011 MPFL Championship Game at Grande Communications Stadium in Midland, TX on June 18, 2011. The Warriors Cheerleaders peformed at one end of the stands as the Lady Drillers performed on the other. They performed quarter change and sideline routines along with a halftime.The Warriors Cheerleaders managed to make a few new fans as the game progressed.
The Warriors defeated the Drillers 21-17 to win the 2011 MPFL Championship with an undefeated season which made the trip home the happiest bus ride we've ever seen.
The Warriors defeated the Drillers 21-17 to win the 2011 MPFL Championship with an undefeated season which made the trip home the happiest bus ride we've ever seen.