2011 San Antonio Roses Auditions
The San Antonio Roses held their 2011 auditions on Sunday, September 26, 2010 at Bally Total Fitness - Quarry Market. Thanks to all involved to make this a great audition. Special thanks to our 2011 choreographer Melissa Martinez for a great audition routine, our five judges Cheryl Roddy (former Spurs Quicksilver Dancer), Laura Castillo (former Spurs Silver Dancers), Paul Castro (Spurs spanish play-by-play announcer), Erynn Moore (Roses choreographer/Darque Tan representative) and Priscilla Caballero (Ms. San Antonio American Beauty 2009-10 and former San Antonio Rose). The auditions wouldn't have been so much fun without our great emcee Rita Verreos.

2011 San Antonio Roses
Back L-R (Edie, Stephanie, Valerie, Allison, Alondra, Shawna, Desi'ree)
Middle L-R ( * , Michelle, * , Felicia, * , Araceli, * )
Front L-R (Angela, * , Deborah, Jaclyn, Marissa, Rochelle, Michelle)
* No Longer On Squad