Valerie G. - 2004 AA San Antonio Mission Belles

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Birthday: November 12
Height: 5'-3"
Home Town: San Antonio, TX
Former High School: John Jay High School
College: Northwest Vista College
Goals: Graduate from law school, move to Miami and live on the beach.
Hobbies: Dancing, Reading, Writing
Dance/Cheer Background: 4 years semi-pro squads including San Antonio Talons and San Antonio Roses

Color: Pink
Perfume: "Boss for Women" - Hugo
TV Show: "The Simpsons"
Actor: Bruce Willis
Actress: Sandra Bullock
Movie: "Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion"
Sport: Baseball
Cereal: Cocoa Crispies

Childhood Lunchbox: She-ra, Princess of Power
My Hero Is: My mom for showing me how independent I can be.
I've never been able to: Have really long hair... too many split ends
A really great evening is: An art museum, dinner, then dancing.
Best Advice: "Never, never quit anything you start."
I would like to travel to: Mexico City... I'd like to learn more about my culture and heritage.

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