Tonya T. - 2004 AA San Antonio Mission Belles

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Birthday: November 4
Height: 5'-3"
Home Town: Dallas, TX
College: University of Texas at San Antonio
Goals: Finishing my MBA
Hobbies: Weight Lifting, Pilates, Scrap booking, Making Jewelry
Dance/Cheer Background: Lightning Cheerleader, San Antonio Roses

Color: Purple
Perfume: "Escada Magnetism"
TV Show: "Newlyweds"
Actor: Robin Williams
Actress: Julia Roberts
Movie: "Good Will Hunting"
Sport: Basketball
Cereal: Honey Bunches of Oats

Childhood Lunchbox: Strawberry Shortcake
My Hero Is: My mother. I can honestly say I don't know what I would do without her.
I've never been able to: Roller blade or Ice skate... I just can't seem to ever balance.
A really great evening is: Spending time with the people who care about you, watching a movie, and having a great dinner.
Best Advice: "Strive for what you believe in, be strong, and always be the best you can be."
I would like to travel to: Thailand. I haven't been there since I was a little girl.

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