Ruth N. - 2004 AA San Antonio Mission Belles

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Birthday: July 25
Height: 5'-0"
Home Town: San Antonio, TX
Former High School: Edgewood High School, Los Angeles, CA
Goals: Work on fitness instructor certification and teach aerobics.
Hobbies: Singing and playing the bass in a rock band in 1980 - "Heather Leather"
Dance/Cheer Background: College Cheerleader 1989, Mascot 1974-1975, Junior High and High School Cheerleader

Color: Pink
Perfume: "White Diamond"
TV Show: "Welcome Back"
Actor: John Travolta
Actress: Jennifer Lopez
Movie: "Flashdance"
Sport: Aerobics
Cereal: Raisin Bran

My Heroes Are: My husband, son and parents.
I've never been able to: Flip without using my hands
A really great evening is: Going out with family and performing.
Best Advice: "Always keep on trying to make your dreams come true."
I would like to travel to: Paris

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